Token warrants are an increasingly popular fundraising tool among web3 startups. Learn about how they work and where they fit into your startup’s cap table.
Convertible notes are short-term debt instruments oftentimes used in seed financing and venture capital. Learn more and see if they make sense for you.
Pre-money SAFEs and post-money SAFEs let investors give money to a startup for the right to future equity. But they are different in key ways. Learn more.
A funding round is an event in which investors give a startup money that enables it to continue growing. Learn the A-B-Cs in our guide for founders.
Based on the SAFE, a SAFT is an equity mechanism used to convey rights in tokens prior to the completion of the tokens’ network. Read on to learn more.
Pro rata rights entitle existing investors to keep their initial ownership percentage in subsequent rounds of financing. Here’s why they matter.
A seed investment round marks the first time a startup raises significant money from outside investors. Here’s what every startup founder should know.
Contributed capital is the total amount of money and assets shareholders have invested in a company. Here’s where to find it in your balance sheet.
A tear sheet is a one-page document created by a venture capitalist to summarize the key financial information about a portfolio company. Learn more.
An accredited investor is an individual or entity that’s allowed to trade certain unregistered security offerings. Here’s what founders need to know.
Before raising money for your startup, you’ll want to establish solid traction and a business model that will attract potential investors. Learn more.
A Simple Agreement for Future Equity (SAFE) is a startup fundraising tool. Investors pay money now and receive shares of company stock later. Read more.
The IRS may treat a Simple Agreement for Future Equity (SAFE) as equity or as an equity derivative for tax purposes. How a SAFE is taxed may affect returns.
Planning your company's equity roadmap is important so you don't give away too much of the company in the early days.
Everything a startup founder needs to know about fundraising.
Schedule a call and we'll discuss your equity and see how we can help.